Wednesday, May 16, 2012

An Eventful Day

Sweet Becky,

I suppose that a good approach to this blog will be to talk about things that are going on in my life, as well as my thoughts about love, romance, and relationships.  And yesterday was really something.

At 10:32 AM, according to my cell phone call log, I got a call from my first ex, Lori, the mother of my daughter Emily (names changed for privacy's sake) to tell me that our daughter was in the hospital.  To make a long story short, her doctor had sent her there for what he thought might possibly be appendicitis.  Well, I left work right away and headed straight for the hospital.  She appeared to be doing well and not in much pain.  Soon after, her boyfriend David showed up (he was at the same hospital that day to accompany his father to his first chemo treatment), and we spent a couple of hours there keeping Emily entertained.  After some blood work and a CAT scan, etc. we learned it was just a UTI.  The doc gave her a prescription, and that was it, she was free to go.  Her mom, Lori, lives in Kansas City, and by that time she was about to arrive in St. Louis.  Emily called and arranged to meet up with her, and then Emily and I parted ways with a couple of big hugs.  We'll probably go see "Dark Shadows" sometime this week. 

It was the middle of the afternoon by then, and it didn't make sense to go back to work, so I decided to take the rest of the day off.  With this extra free time that I now had, I decided to go to V-Stock to look at their comic books.  I'm not a comic book fan myself, but my brother is, and I had told him I would go by there sometime to see if they had anything he might want.  I spent a couple of hours there, talking to him on my cell phone for much of the time, as he told me which issues he needed, what rare titles to look for, and with his assistance I came up with about half a dozen or so that I'll mail to him in the next couple of days.  I'm going to include a couple of surprises for him, namely, a couple of documentaries about Bob Dylan and the Doors that I'm recording for him off the internet.

Up until about a year and a half ago, my brother and I had been estranged for many years, but one day I decided to make the move to start to patch things up.  At first he was rather bitter and reticent, but things have improved a lot since then, and we talk on the phone every week or two.  He'll talk my ear off about his comic book collection sometimes, but I actually find it interesting, so it's all good.

As you can see, yesterday was not exactly the kind of day that I could let pass by without sharing it someone special, but later I'll get back to talking about you and me. 

Take care, Becky.


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